Dental Procedures

Dental Tips: How to Floss - Flossing Teeth for Dummies

Flossing is essential in basic dental hygiene and should be implemented in daily, however very few people actually do. Many Americans seem to think that just brushing their teeth is adequate enough, even though, brushing your teeth cleans only 65% of the tooth surfaces, the other 35% mainly comprised of the areas between your teeth where food and plaque accumulates. Plaque can build-up, which leads to tooth decay and gum disease- healthy gums do not bleed!

Here are some steps to ensure you are flossing properly:

  • First pick floss that best suits you and your needs, there is a quite a variety out there.
  • Wrap the floss around the middle fingers.
  • Guide the floss gently between two teeth using the thumbs and forefingers.
  • Wrap the floss against the side of the tooth to prevent injuring the gums.
  • Slide the floss under the gum line. Then move it up and down rubbing the side of the tooth.


*The provided information has been complied for general reference and educational purposes only.

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