Low Cost Dental Plans Save Money on dental care!
Did you know that emergency dental plan not only help you save on general cleanings, dentures, braces, x-rays, and routine dental work, but you can also save on a hundreds of other dental procedures?
Even if you have dental insurance through your work, an emergency dental plan may help you save on out of pocket dental expenses, and on dental procedures that are not covered by your current dental insurance plan.
Plans for anybody you are responsible for or anybody living in your household.
Discounts on dentures, implants, extractions, cleanings, & more.
Perfect for small businesses, churches, unions, schools, & more.
Below shows how True Dental Discounts plans work to save you money.
Each dental plan is different. Some dental plans have more dentists while others give you more savings on dental procedures.
Save on every visit with a dentist in our plan's nationwide network. These providers have agreed to maintain the same quality care for the discounted rates.
No matter what your dentist would normally charge for a dental procedure, with our dental plans, you pay the dollar amount listed in the fee schedule.